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Zumar Foundation

Zumar Foundation is East Africa based NGO, registered and compliant providing emergency relief, WASH, education, sustainable developments and seasonal programs to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihoods of the communities in Uganda, Kenya, and Somalia. Zumar Foundation’s main strategy is to bring together experience in quality, accountability, partnership and collaboration work to promote respect for the rights and dignity of the people to make life batter for community development and peace.

Who we Target

  • Zumar Foundation is a regional organization working in Uganda, Kenya and Somalia, in the three countries we work in the rural areas and with the hardest to reach communities because of the burden of poverty experienced in these regions.
  • Rural areas caught in chronic poverty traps, which face multiple and interlocking forms of disadvantage. Isolation, insecurity, weak economic integration, limited political leverage, and a challenging natural environment combine to produce high levels of risk and vulnerability.
  • The highest rates of poverty are often observed among those who are no longer directly involved in pastoralism, particularly those without livestock who depend on casual labor or petty trade in towns. There are also significant social inequalities within these local regions, particularly with respect to the rights of women, lower castes, and minority clans
What We Do

Working towards enhanced livelihoods to all our areas of jurisdiction

Water, Sanitation And Hygiene

We focus on bringing clean water, dignified sanitation and effective hygiene practices to communities, schools and healthcare facilities.

Humanitarian Relief

Zumar Foundation is responding to the needs of families in crises across Somalia, Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia. These lives are on the line, in the absence of funding to enable them meet their short term needs

Human rights

We develop projects of legal aid to alleviate the suffering of destitute people and put efforts mobilize the judiciary bodies to take affirmative action against violations in conflict areas and warzones.

Protecting the environment

Environmental concerns are also increasingly becoming a feature of our wider programs and advocacy work. Zumar Foundation will prioritize the development of risk reduction work in communities that are vulnerable to the effects of climate change.


Leading educational projects to the overall goal of increasing access to quality education, especially for vulnerable groups of children, through sponsoring students, distribution of learning materials and training the teachers to help children attain literacy skills.

Empowering communities

Zumar Foundation is committed to tackling the causes of poverty, working closely with local communities through integrated sustainable development programs that lead to long-term, positive change.

Campaigning for change

Supporting the marginalized and vulnerable to voice their needs and address the root causes of poverty and suffering. We are committed to empowering marginalized people so that they can articulate their rights and fulfil their needs

Seasonal Islamic giving

Every year at the time of Eid ul Adha, we provide Eid gifts for children in the most needy areas. These presents include clothes, shoes, sweets and toys, and also organizing events during Eid days